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IRC Nicks

Commonly used nick names on IRC (#rockbox on are used by these persons:

IRC Nick Real name
[-AIR-] George Collins
[IDC]Dragon Jörg Hohensohn
amiconn Jens Arnold
Andrew179 Andrew Hutchings
ashridah Andrew Pilley
austriancoder Christian Gmeiner
bagawk (formely dstar5) Lee Pilgrim
Bagder Daniel Stenberg
Bager / Bger / Bgr Hristo Kovachev
Cassandra Christi Alice Scarborough
Chamois Florian Langlois
dwihno Magnus Öman
elinenbe Eric Linenberg
Febs Michael DiFebbo
geoff_o Geoff Oakham
Godeater Bryan Childs
HCl Michiel Van Der Kolk
hshah Hiren Shah
jyp Jean-Philippe Bernardy
lImbus Manuel Dejonghe
LinusN Linus Nielsen Feltzing
linuxstb Dave Chapman
markun Marcoen Hirschberg
matsl Mats Lidell
mattzz Matthias Wientapper
mecraw Lee Marlow
midk Zakk Roberts
mirfle Naftali Goldstein
mrmags Dorian Gray
niobos Niels Laukens
pfavr Peter Favrholdt
pillo Luca Burelli
preglow Thom Johansen
Quelsaruk Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas Bernal
rasher Jonas Häggqvist
Rick Rick La Charité
rjamorim Roberto José de Amorim
scott666 Scott Myran
Slasheri Miika Pekkarinen
Strath Michael Donat
stevenm Stepan Moskovchenko
t0mas Tomas Salfischberger
Tangleding Tanguy SIMON
wacky Alexandre Bourget
wrecker Eddie Solman
XavierGr Alexander Spyridakis
XShocK Rinat Zakirov
Zagor Björn Stenberg
zeekoe Ronald Teune

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Revision r1.41 - 24 Aug 2005 - 13:32 GMT - MichaelDiFebbo Copyright © 1999-2005 by the contributing authors.